Parts washers for Auto Manufacturing – Keep production moving

We help you maximise equipment effectiveness and achieve engineering excellence through a highly efficient maintenance programme.

We understand your priorities and processes and we listen to your specific requirements before recommending the best service contract and products for you.

Spray gun parts washing of metal component

Discussing Priorities

We understand the importance of JIT and why it is essential that every component is available and functioning just when you need it.

We know efficient cleaning machines means labour can be diverted to more productive tasks and away from the cleaning processes.

We appreciate you need a partner that helps its customers to remain compliant.

Helping with Processes

Just a few examples of where we can help:

  • Increasing productivity by enabling an efficient maintenance programme, with effective parts cleaning machines, which save time, uses minimal resources and consistently produce great results.

  • Enabling complex cleaning of components throughout the production process right through to the final wash – degreasing and removing metal swarf from intricate pieces in a fast cycle time, to enable tight deadlines to be met.

  • Help with Legislation Directives and Waste Requirements (Solvents Emission Directive, Industrial Emission Directive and the Waste Framework Directive).

  • Maintaining the integrity of production components to ensure a safer working environment.

We work across all the following sectors and beyond. Call us now on  01285 762941 to speak to one of our experts.

Understanding What You Want from a Supplier

Is this how you see it?

“A partner that understands that it isn’t just about cost management, it is about meeting a complex array of targets around production efficiency, environmental impact, safety, ethical waste disposal and regulatory compliance.”

“A solution provider for reducing overall MRO item supply costs, keeping operations running and eliminating costly downtime. A provider that understands contamination can cause critical failure in intense, precision manufacturing processes.”

“A partner that looks to minimise the number of rental machine services required by providing equipment that operates efficiently and that requires minimum maintenance.”

Our experienced sales advisors understand the pressures you are under and work in partnership with you, so that we can offer you the best possible service.

Auto Aqueous Partswasher
Cars being assembled inside an automotive manufacturing factory

Ways We Add Value

  • We are committed to providing machines that deliver on quality and service and enable a JIT operation. Many of our machines are automated, so operators can work on more important production related tasks.

  • Providing a paint gun cleaner designed to reduce costs through consuming minimal resources (energy, cleaners and labour) and reducing waste output.

  • Specifications defining acceptable particle size distribution are becoming stricter and stricter with every new generation of vehicle. Component cleanliness is a key-criteria for the industry.

  • The cost of cleaning parts in car manufacturing is second only to the cost of parts replacement according to research, so to control costs, it is essential to have machines that clean as efficiently and effectively as possible. Our highly trained technicians work tirelessly to keep your equipment and components in tip top condition; thoroughly cleaning each machine, every service visit.

For easy sharing or off-line reading, why not download our automotive manufacturing specific brochure which includes all the information on this page.