Parts Washers for Aerospace – Tailored solutions to reduce downtime

We offer you a service that is always dependable and a cleaning quality that is consistently high, as we recognise how essential that is for you.

We understand your priorities and processes and we listen to your specific requirements before recommending the best service contract and products for you.

Discussing Priorities

We know safety is an overriding consideration in the aerospace industry. People’s lives can depend on the smallest of components being totally flawless. Inspection of each constituent component at the highest possible level is essential.

In an industry that runs to tight schedules and where time is money, a service that eliminates downtime and machines that are totally reliable are a major priority. Helping to reduce Aircraft On Ground (AOG) downtime is an essential requirement that is aided by a reliable partswasher.

Helping with Processes

Just a few examples of where we can help:

  • Metalwash are committed to minimising their customers environmental impact and incorporate that philosophy into all their machine technology and services.
  • Well maintained aircraft are naturally more fuel efficient, the single largest expense for the industry.
  • Cleaning of landing gear components to enable detailed inspection and non-destructive testing (NDT).
  • Eliminate the concern of Maintenance FOD (Foreign Object Debris) and meeting the strict compliance measures required to ensure this doesn’t happen.

We work across all the following sectors and beyond. Call us now on  01285 762941 to speak to one of our experts.

Understanding What You Want from a Supplier

Is this how you see it?

“A supplier that wants to offer you solutions that go beyond legislative requirements and give you complete peace of mind from both a compliance and safety perspective.”

“A supplier that partners with me to extend asset life and improve safety of equipment. That understands my needs to meet targets in terms of turnaround, safety and quality.”

“A supplier that proactive looks for solutions that eliminates downtime and that provides machines and cleaning capabilities that are totally reliable, so time and resources can be focussed on other priorities.”

Our experienced sales advisors understand the pressures you are under and work in partnership with you, so that we can offer you the best possible service.

Metalwash truck outside Aerospace facility
Close up of Aqueous basket in parts washer

Ways We Add Value

  • Our cleaning technology for our own machines is second to none – our system reduces the need for additional cleaning and reduces workshop spillages – we reduce your ‘downtime’, help you improve safety and help you control costs.

  • We ensure that our service schedule is based on when you really need us, so you can again control costs and minimise downtime.

  • Reducing the quantity of waste that facilities generate can significantly ease a company’s regulatory burden – our processes are designed to reduce waste and help you manage waste disposal and the recording process.

For easy sharing or off-line reading, why not download our defence specific brochure which includes all the information on this page.