Parts Washers for Boat Building – Increase efficiency and compliance

There are a number of ways in which we meet the part washing needs of the boat building industry. We enable you to run a highly efficient and compliant service as well as offering excellent quality to your customers.

We understand your priorities and processes and we listen to your specific requirements before recommending the best service contract and products for you.

Basket being submerged in resin cleaner dip tank

Discussing Priorities

We know your industry requires a focus on a safe working environment, as you navigate the risks associated with the chemicals and processes involved.

We realise the importance you place on a productive, safe and environmentally compliant operation, so our service needs to reflect that in every aspect.

Helping with Processes

Just a few examples of where we can help:

  • Cleaning resin off tools, material and rollers. Cleaning rollers of resin prevents hardening and allows rollers to be reused and saving money.

  • Meeting environmental compliance and reporting requirements.

  • Effectively cleaning marine engine and boat transmission parts, enabling boatyards and marine engineers to work more efficiently.

We work across all the following sectors and beyond. Call us now on  01285 762941 to speak to one of our experts.

Understanding What You Want from a Supplier

Is this how you see it?

“A supplier that enables us to perform at our best and complete jobs efficiently and on time.”

“A supplier that incorporates additional safety features into machines to provide greater peace of mind.”

“A supplier that aims to reduce the amount of spend needed to keep operations running smoothly.”

Our experienced sales advisors understand the pressures you are under and work in partnership with you, so that we can offer you the best possible service.

Close-up view of Metalwash's Aqueous parts washer

Ways We Add Value

  • We prioritise enabling you to work with complete peace of mind, we offer cleaning solutions that are non-hazardous yet highly effective and more environmentally sustainable. Plus, our equipment has a number of added benefit safety features.

  • We work with you to fix problems on the spot, minimise any downtime and train your operatives to get the most out of any machine.

  • Our cleaning technology for our own machines is second to none – the system reduces the need for additional cleaning and reduces workshop spillages – we reduce your downtime and help you control costs as a result of less service visits.

For easy sharing or off-line reading, why not download our boat building specific brochure which includes all the information on this page.