Parts Washing for Food & Drink – Stay clean, safe and compliant

Our products make sure that your equipment is clean, safe and able to meet the demands of a continuous production process.

We understand your priorities and processes and we listen to your specific requirements before recommending the best service contract and products for you.

Basket being submerged in ultrasonic parts washer

Discussing Priorities

We understand the requirement for complete machine hygiene is undeniable all contaminants and potential bacteria needs to be removed as part of the cleaning process.

We know food processing is a particularly intensive operation, where it is essential to optimise assets in the production process. They are often subject to intense heat and mechanical wear and tear.

Helping with Processes

Just a few examples of where we can help:

  • Equipment reliability is a priority, so any parts washing partner needs to guarantee fit for purpose cleaning and ensure the cleaning machinery is operational at all times.

  • Safety of all equipment is paramount – this extends to cleaning machinery, how waste is handled and how well parts are cleaned before being placed under continuous pressure.

  • Food production demands a scheduled programme of maintenance, making it essential to have a reliable parts cleaning service.

  • Removing contaminants in food processing machinery and eliminating bacteria (ultrasonic).

  • Ultrasonic – to clean bottles in research and development.

We work across all the following sectors and beyond. Call us now on  01285 762941 to speak to one of our experts.

Understanding What You Want from a Supplier

Is this how you see it?

“A supplier looking to support the audit processes and with the technical knowledge and capabilities to train operatives and fix problems on-site.”

“A supplier that places as heavy an importance on hygiene and safety as the team does.”

“A supplier that partners with the company to extend asset life and improve the safety of equipment. That understands a need to meet targets in terms of turnaround, safety and quality.”

Our experienced sales advisors understand the pressures you are under and work in partnership with you, so that we can offer you the best possible service.

Vats inside a food manufacturing plant
Metalwash ultrasonic parts washer

Ways We Add Value

  • Cleanliness and safety are embedded in our DNA, so it is our core priority to ensure you maintain compliance at every stage of the process. We recognise that surfaces cannot be properly sanitised or disinfected if they are not thoroughly cleaned first.

  • Having a process cable of meeting exacting hygiene standards is essential, we help you with your intense cleaning regime by providing the most efficient and cost-effective solutions to meet those standards.

  • We make our contracts with you simpler and more transparent than others in our industry. We ensure that our service schedule is based on when you really need us, so you can control costs and minimise downtime.

  • We provide you with powerful cleaning solutions that are environmentally friendly, reducing your carbon footprint and ours.

For easy sharing or off-line reading, why not download our food and drink specific brochure which includes all the information on this page.