Parts Washers for Boat Building – Increase efficiency and compliance
There are a number of ways in which we meet the part washing needs of the boat building industry. We enable you to run a highly efficient and compliant service as well as offering excellent quality to your customers.
We understand your priorities and processes and we listen to your specific requirements before recommending the best service contract and products for you.

Discussing Priorities
We know your industry requires a focus on a safe working environment, as you navigate the risks associated with the chemicals and processes involved.
We realise the importance you place on a productive, safe and environmentally compliant operation, so our service needs to reflect that in every aspect.
Helping with Processes
Just a few examples of where we can help:
Cleaning resin off tools, material and rollers. Cleaning rollers of resin prevents hardening and allows rollers to be reused and saving money.
Meeting environmental compliance and reporting requirements.
Effectively cleaning marine engine and boat transmission parts, enabling boatyards and marine engineers to work more efficiently.