What Our Technicians Say
“Required to remove paint from a wide variety of metal components. Providing a safer alternative to traditional caustic or acidic strippers.”
Specialist Paint Dip Tank – Safer parts washing solutions
If you are looking for effective paint removal with minimum intervention, our Paint Dip Tanks offer a safe, sustainable solution. They remove polyurethane, acrylic, lacquer, powder-coated and epoxy-based paints with ease. Metalwash’s aqueous, heated solution, coupled with Ultrasonics, accelerates paint removal with no need for scrubbing. Plus, the water-based solution reduces environmental impact and delivers improved safety over caustic cleaning alternatives.
Ideal for – specialist paint removal, reduced operator intervention, and reducing environmental impact.

Meeting Your Priorities
✔️ Requires limited operator input.
✔️ No need to scrub or blast components.
✔️ Water-based alternative safer than acid and caustic alternatives.
✔️ Deep basket system for easy immersion.
✔️ Not classed as hazardous – environmentally friendly alternative to caustic cleaning.
✔️ Non-destructive and an efficient way to remove paint.
✔️ Removes polyurethane, acrylics, lacquers, powder coated and epoxy base.
✔️ Timer operation.
✔️ Low energy heating.
✔️ Well insulated.
What Our Sales Advisors Say
“All our machines and services are designed to make your operation as compliant as possible. We offer environmental cleaning solutions, reduce our service visits, and maintain the highest possible commitment to waste reduction.”
What Our Sales Advisors Say
“Every aspect of our product and service considers your reputation and ours. Tanks are always fully cleaned, and the efficiency and speed of our machines means no delays are passed on to the customer.”
Call us now on 01285 762941 to talk to a specialist advisor.
- Low environmental impact
- Higher safety margin
- Powerful cleaning in hard to reach places
- Less legislative impact on your business (e.g. Solvent Emission Directive)
When you choose Metalwash you have the reassurance that you are choosing parts washing solutions that are kinder to the environment. For over 25 years we have been offering powerful aqueous solutions to clean a diverse set of components.
We understand the demands on your business for sustainable production and we invest in the technologies that support your aims.